Custom Sender Email Addresses

Custom sender email addresses can only be configured by a tenant owner.

Custom sender addresses are available to all non-community edition Tines customers – depending on your plan, you'll have a certain number available to use.

The default sender email address for emails sent with the email action is

Configuring a Custom Sender Email Address 

Visit https://<tenant-domain>/admin/sender_email_addresses and click the "+ Add Address" button, as shown in the top right of the below screenshot.

Custom sender email address admin page with no custom sender email addresses added
Add a sender email address modal with two fields, the first for an email address and the second for a mail from domain. The bottom of the modal has a button with the text "Save email address"

In this form you will need to enter:

  1. The email address you wish to use (e.g.,

  2. The MAIL FROM domain (MAIL FROM domain must be the a subdomain of the domain using in the email address, e.g., for

The resulting screen will provide two DNS records, a MX record and a TXT record, that will need to be configured in your DNS provider, and you will receive a verification email.


DNS records that need to be added for a custom sender email address with example ""

Using a Custom Sender Email Address 

Once verification is complete, select the send email action and add the "Custom sender address" from the "+ Option" menu. You can now enter the email in the "Custom sender address" field.

The build panel of an email action with the custom sender address section highlighted


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